Time for Change... but not the Obama way.
I am excited that we have come to a point of change in our lives. Turning the big 4-0 has made us reflect on where we are, where we wish we were, and how to get there from here. We are making big changes... and the reality is sinking in.
Being a mom of twelve is a badge I proudly wear, but being a geographically single mom isn't looking so appealing. I know the Lord has a plan, and it is a perfect plan. But I am beginning to doubt our soundness of mind in deciding to pack the wagon and head west. I used to think I would have been a bold frontierwoman, but I have always been in awe of the women of the west who lived without their men for months on end. My fortitude will soon be tested. How will I measure up? With just a few short weeks to go, reality is beginning to look me in the face.
Other changes are also on the horizon. My blogspot is taking on a new look, and a new function. As a local wellness consultant and weight loss coach, I reach out and touch hundreds of lives. Being able to facilitate face to face health seminars has been so gratifying, but I am realizing that in order to help more people I must concentrate more on connecting on a cyber level. My passion is to enable, empower, and encourage people to take control of their health. As a mom, I realize that I set the stage not only for myself, but my whole family. I lead, they folllow (idealistically). Reaching out to other moms seems to be a good way to broaden my scope of influence.
The tone of my blog is changing to reflect my desire to touch more lives, change more perspectives, and in my own small way, have an impact on a little segment of history. We as moms don't realize the potential we have as we mold and shape the next generation. Are we going to create a society that follows like sheep, or will we raise up thinkers and doers, movers and shakers? What has God called us to do? For what were we created? When we turn to toxic chemicals to make our lives easier, or toxic medicines to make us feel better, who are we relying on? In this day and age when the world is blissfully complacent with doing things like we've always done them... what will we be remembered for? My hope is that I can help others reach their full potential, be all the God created them to be, and take care of the temple God provided them with to bring glory to Him.
It is truly a time for change. Will we turn to God and search for wisdom and a return to common sense, or will we (as a nation) continue to play follow the leader and become a statistic in the system of sickness we have created? Is this what we want for our children (who are already sicker than we were at their age)?
Are you ready to look at life differently? What kind of changes are you willing to make? How can I help?
Sharing Hope.........